
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Morning with a Butterfly II

amy myers, photography, journal of a thousand things, butterfly, desert milkweed, asclepias,

amy myers, photography, journal of a thousand things, butterfly, desert milkweed, asclepias,

amy myers, photography, journal of a thousand things, butterfly, desert milkweed, asclepias,


  1. Those are beautiful! The brown monochrome is great--lets the details of the flowers and butterfly stand out. how did you do it?

    1. So glad you like it! I always like to see what I can get away with in monochrome... ;-) What I usually do is simply set the camera to shoot monochrome (my Nikon has very nice sepia settings but I do this sometimes even with my phone camera). That way I can see what I'm getting and just think in mono as I work. In most cases I increase the contrast for best results. These are all straight out of camera. I never can get anyone else to try it, but I love doing it this way ;-)

